Monday, November 20, 2006

Topic ideas

I'm putting this as the first post for ideas for what to write about. I know that I could just write this down somewhere for my own ideas, or whatever, but this way, I might actually get some ideas as to what other people might like to see in the blog. I'm going to start with some core teachings I think. Work with them, and expand out from there. Here are the ideas I have right now:

three jewels
four foundations of mindfullness
taking refuge
five buddha families

Thats just 4 ideas. I'll post more later, and expand these out possibly to multiple posts.

Jigme Datse

1 comment:

Jigme Datse said...

Four reminders
four noble truths
three marks of existance
four immesurables
noble eightfold path
twelve links of dependent arising
nine stages of shamatha